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http://www.tjtv.com.cn  2013-11-07 16:59


  List of Award Winners


  消除貧困,是對當代中國科學發展,最具積極意義的貢獻之一。我們常聽到一種說法“要致富,先修路”,對中國土地上廣大農業專案、農村社區和農民來說,這條路既是一條暢通的物流通道,也是一種平穩、健康、可持續改善生活的方法。中國的貧困農村社區,常常面臨多重問題,貧困人群都有獨特的生存處境,他們需要找到適合自己的路來走出貧困。過去8年裏,Michael Herman,這位互滿愛人與人組織駐中國的首席代表,帶領著他的國際團隊紮根在中國的三農土地上,在消除貧困和疾病防控的第一綫一次次耕種夢想和希望。Michael一戶戶地瞭解當地人脫貧最實實在在的需求,推廣一個個既有收益又有針對性的扶貧專案,大部分受扶持的農業、農村和農民通過這些專案,脫離了基本貧困綫,實現了可持續收入。8年來,通過這些項目的引入,Michael和他的團隊已募集多達近4000萬元人民幣的資金,惠及超過260萬人口。

  Michael Hermann

  Povertyelimination is the most meaningful contribution for China’s scientific development. There is a famous saying, “Build road first, and then it will lead to wealth”. For China’s issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area, the road is not only a logistics channel, but a way of getting steady, healthy and improved life. In China’s poor rural area, the special living condition and diversified problems require a special road to walk out of poverty.

  Michael Hermann, chief representative of the Humana People to People in China, dedicates himself to eliminate poverty and disease control in the past 8 years. His footprints cover every path towards each local family. With his humanistic concern, Michael studies the real need of the locals door by door. The poverty alleviation projects promoted by him truly help the poor to increase their income and lift them out of poverty. In the past 8 years, about 40 million RMB has been raised by Michael’s team, which helps nearly 2,600,000 people.



  Irina Zakharova

  Without deafening sound of firecrackers, Chinese New Year is far away from its tradition, just like the rattle drum reminds Chinese people's childhood. In China, "toy" and "traditional" inextricably grow in each individual’s memory, in the corner of China’s old Hutong and neighborhood.

  In 1981, the former Soviet cultural counselorVladmirZakharov was sent to Beijing with his wife Irina Zakharova and their daughter. The first gift they received is a pair of beautiful Chinese clay figurines called “Big Fu” which means “Fortunate Couple”.

  Since then, Irina, the collector of Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, has collected more than 4,000 pieces of Chinese folk arts from all over China. On September 1, 1988, at Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, Irina planned "Chinese Folk Toy Fair". This was the first time Chinese toys were presented for the world. In the assistance of her husband Zakharov, since 2005, an exhibition entitled "Fairy Tales Drawing by Children" had been held in Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states’ 18 cities with 25 field performances.

  32 years in China, Mr. and Mrs. Zakharov complete a collection of Chinese folk art, and also a collection of people’s eager to return to the innocence of childhood.


  創辦於1993年的北京星星雨教育研究所,是中國第一家專門為孤獨症兒童服務的非營利民間教育機構。從2002年起,“星星雨”迎來了一位國際志願者:法國精神分析家Michel Guibal。在全球精神分析圈,Michel是第三代代表人物,他的導師正是弗洛伊德的弟子,被稱為“法國弗洛伊德”的雅克•拉康。那時的中國對孤獨症知之甚少,而這一領域的專業人員更是極度匱乏,不同於其他國家來“星星雨”的專家,Michel既不培訓中方教師,也不直接診治那些孩子,而是去幫助孤獨症孩子的家長,讓家長們自由地去說,說出自己內心的痛苦,以及和孩子們形同兩個世界的另一種“孤獨”——雖然孤獨症的孩子通常不能語言交流,但我們可以學會傾聽他們的孤獨。此後十年,Michel往返中法之間,和孤獨症兒童家長一對一交流,直至膀胱癌的折磨延緩了他的關愛腳步。從1993年開始,“星星雨”已為近7000個孤獨症兒童及其家庭提供過服務,而更多的星星的孩子,需要我們的傾聽。

  Michel Guibal

  Founded in 1993, Beijing Stars and Rain is China's first non-governmental and non-profit educational organization which dedicates to serve children with autism. In 2002, Stars and Rain ushered in an international volunteer, French psychoanalyst Michel Guibal. In the world’s psychoanalytic circle, Michel is the representative of the third generation. His mentor was Jacques Lacan, a disciple of Freud, known as the "French Freud". At that time, few people in China knows what autism is. Professionals in this field are numbered.

  Michel focused on helping parents of children with autism, so that parents can be free to speak and express their inner pain, which established a bridge between the inner isolated kids and their families. 10 years since then, several times a year, Michel had flied to China from France to make a face-to-face communication with nearly 1,000 parents of children with autism until the bladder cancer slowed him down. With the help from Michel and others, Stars and Rain has provided service for nearly 7,000 children with autism and their families. But there are still more children need to be listened by us.


  “歡迎Bob Bellows先生登臺”,對於譽滿全球,與貓王同時代,被稱為“最傳神的爵士樂大師”的Bob來說,這句話一生聽過千萬遍,直到9年前,Bob將這份屬於音樂的榮耀,傳遞給了舞臺上一位名叫彤彤的中國盲童。彤彤三歲時失明,直到在鋼琴鍵盤的黑白之間,敲響她第一聲生命之音,她才終於遇到了屬於自己的生命色彩,而她5歲時,Bob的出現,又給彤彤的黑白世界裏,點燃了一盞燈。出生于美國威斯康辛州的Bob,在他75歲的時候,帶著這份來自音樂的榮耀,他和夫人一起定居在了中國。Bob相信音樂是通往靈魂的階梯,他一直信守著音樂無分國界,不分貴賤的信念。爵士樂的天賦,是上天賜予Bob的禮物,而為了上天不把這份禮物收回,Bob收了一生唯一一個徒弟,彤彤,期待音樂的天賦在她的生命裏再次綻放。爵士樂的熱烈、自由、浪漫、深情伴隨著他們共同走過了9個年頭,Bob每次巡演,都把彤彤帶在身邊,讓他在自己的身邊彈鋼琴。音樂,成為了這一道傳承愛心的階梯,最好的見證。Bob BellowsBob Bellows, a world famous jazz master, born in Wisconsin and settled in China with his wife in his 75 years of age. Bob not only bring his God-given musical talent to China, but also pass it to his only apprentice Niko, a girl who lost her sight at the age of three. Lighted by Bob’s music, Niko’s once colorless life is full of hope. On the stage, Bob shares the piano with Niko and let her join the atmosphere of enthusiastic, free and romantic jazz, and the most important, the applause of other people. 9 years past, music has become the best witness for a story of love.



  Brian Linden

  If the old house has a soul, it would feel lonely in modern China. However, in Xizhou, an old town in Yunnan, a house called Old Yang Mansion is lucky. The house was built by Yang Pinxiang, a famous Xizhou traditional businessman. In 2001, it was listed as State Protected Historic Site by the State Council. And in 2004, the house met its next owner– Linden.The first time Linden came to China is in 1984 as an oversea student. Then he worked in China as photographer and translator for Columbia Broadcasting System. But when Linden and his family met the Old Yang Mansion, he decided to sell his real-estate in the States,in order to restore and revive that house into an international cultural center called “Linden Center”. Although the center is not designed as a commercial project, it had been listed as the best Luxury Hotel by international professional review and became an attractive place for international intellectuals and travelers.

  Sharing different stories, lives and cultures every day, Linden return the soul of an old house.



  2001年,丹麥人Bitten Hogh胡蘭君,選定武定縣田心鄉開始了非營利性的“彩線雲南”專案,這是一個專門為貧困地區的婦女創立的手工藝專案,參與製作的當地婦女除了可以得到報酬外,還可以獲得免費的知識培訓,來自5個自然村的苗、彝、傈僳、傣和漢族數百位婦女先後加入該專案。很多家庭在她手把手的幫助下,實現了真正的脫貧。Bitten不希望用捐款的方法,簡單地把村民們需要的錢給他們,她堅持助人自助,她希望把人的潛力發揮出來,徹底體現助人自助的概念,徹底從生活信心上消除貧困。2003年,胡蘭君成為第一個榮獲全國“巾幗建功英雄”稱號的外國人。

  Bitten Hogh

  For a long time, in YunnanProvince of China, the cycle of poverty has shrouded many minorities’ houses and villages. Although the village women whose colorful costumes and hand embroideries are so amazed, they almost never thought that these original designs can be converted into wealth.

  In 2001, a Danish woman Bitten Hogh, known "HuLanjun" as her Chinese name, selected Tianxin Township of Wuding County to set up a nonprofit project "Threads Yunnan", which is a special arts and crafts project created for helping women in poor areas. The local women can not only get paid from it, but also get free training of housework and knowledge.

  Hundreds of local women from five villages of ethnicities of Miao, Yi, Lisu, Dai and Han have joined the project. Many families overcome poverty with Bitten’s hands-on help.

  Bitten do not want to use the method of donation which simply gives the money to the villagers. She insisted on self-reliance to stimulate the potential of the poor and to eliminate poverty from the level of faith completely. In 2003,Bitten Hogh became the first foreigner who won the honor of China’s “Heroine of Contribution".




  Living in a small village at an altitude of 3,200 meters in the east edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, DechenYeshi is the owner of Norlha, a hand-loomed yak wool workshop in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Yak plays a very important role in Tibetan traditional nomadic life.But now the young generation is losing the interest of it because of modern temptation. However, Dechen finds a modern way from yak. She provides 110 new job positions for 200 households of traditional nomads via Norlha. Through their hand, the finest Gannan yak wool has turned to be high-grade scarf with Tibetan cultural elements. From original grassland of Ganan to the top level fashion shop in French, Dechen uses 7 years to lead a modern nomadic life for the locals.


  9年時間,在浩瀚的北京城裏可以發生太多的改變。但是,從2004年至今,瑞士志願者伊萬和德國志願者娜塔莎每週二、週五,都開著小貨車,踏著自行車穿行在北京的車水馬龍中,送出一個個貼上“Crazy”標籤的麵包,風雨無阻。這些麵包,產自於北京市朝陽區的一家精神病託管中心,2004年,心理醫生出身的伊萬和全職主婦娜塔莎在這裏創建了精神病人康復項目“Crazy Bake”——瘋狂麵包。Crazy在英語中只有一點點“精神病”的意思,更多的是瘋狂、是激情,在“Crazy Bake”的操作間裏,伊萬和娜塔莎始終以志願者的身份,親手教會一個個精神病患製作麵包,通過日復一日的規律勞動,一些精神病患也漸漸建立起了自我認知,不僅意識到自己患有精神疾病,也建立起自己是個麵包師的自我認知——當這兩種認知同時存在時,他們便重新建立了社會責任感。

  Yvonne Gerig&NataschaPrigge

  International volunteer NataschaPrigge and Yvonne Gerig are the founders of “Crazy Bake”, a mental patient rehabilitation project in Beijing. Every Tuesday and Friday, among Beijing’s ever crowded vehicles, two small bikes sometimes a van always carry Natascha and Yvonne to deliver their “Crazy” bread which are baked in Chaoyang Mental Health Care Centre in eastern Beijing.

  The project started in 2004. From that time, in the operating room of "Crazy Bake", Yvonne and Natascha have been teaching the mental patients to make and bake bread. The meaning of the work is to gradually establish self-awareness through regular process day after day. Patients realize that they are suffering from mental illness and also self-percept that they are bakers. When these two cognitions co-exist, they can re-establish a sense of social responsibility.


  前總理溫家寶在2010年《政府工作報告》這樣說道:“我們所做的一切都是要讓人民生活得更加幸福、更有尊嚴。”而死亡,飽含著一個人所能感受到的生命最後的尊嚴。但是直至今日,臨終關懷的精神並沒有在中國遍地開花,這其中兒童臨終關懷就更顯薄弱。2010年5月12日,英國退休的護士金林(Lyn Gould)和丈夫古英俊(Alan Gould)與長沙市第一福利院合作,建立了中國第一所專門為遺棄和殘疾兒童進行臨終關懷的服務中心——“蝴蝶之家”。英國是現代“臨終關懷”的發源地,1967年,Cicely Saunders在倫敦郊外成立了第一家現代臨終關懷院——聖克裏斯多夫臨終關懷院,成為了現代臨終關懷體系的先驅。Saunders的精神深深影響著金林,從成立之日起,“蝴蝶之家”先後接收了40多個病重的孩子,通過無微不至的護理,其中10多個孩子奇跡般好轉、康復,甚至已經離開了“蝴蝶之家”,像美麗的“化蝶”故事一樣,過上了正常孩子的生活。金林最大的夢想,就是在她有生之年走遍全世界,去看看那些飛走的孩子們。

  Lyn Gould

  Lyn Gould and Alan Gould opened the Butterfly Home in April 2010 to care for any child with a life expectancy of less than 6 months.

  Abandonment of children in any country is an emotive issue and thrusts loving people into action in many ways. Over their many years of coming to China (first in 1994) to work in orphanages Alan and Lyn have sought to care for and raise support for the hundreds of children they have come into contact with.

  The abandoned dying children Alan and Lyn have looked after have every kind of illness and disability ranging from simple prematurity to those complex genetic disorders that lead to an early death. From its first day till now, the Butterfly Home has cared around 40 children. With professional and tireless care, 10 of them have their condition improved or even miraculously cured.

  The former Premier Wen Jiabao said in his 2010 Government Work Report “Everything we do is to ensure that the people live a happier life with more dignity and to make our society fairer and more harmonious.” Today, the Butterfly Home brings a beautiful dignity to China’s most vulnerable lives.




  DiarraBoubacar, member of Medecins Sans Frontieres, came from his motherlandRepublic of Mali to HonghePrefecture of Yunnan in 1984. According to statistics, about 500-600 new leprosy cases happen in Honghe each year, of which nearly 30% is in advanced stage. In order to make early detection of leprosy and help the lepers access to comprehensive rehabilitation, DiarraBoubacar has been carrying out health education, leprosy assistance and training of rural doctors since 2001. A true rural “doctor” he is in the past 30 years and the first foreign “doctor” who has gained a doctor degree in traditional Chinese medicine. Until 2009, Diarra has trained 1,276 rural doctors in Honghe, and in Yunnan the number is over 3,000. With his hard work, 90% villages of 6 poorest counties in Honghe have their own rural doctors now. In 2012, Diarra won the seventh China Charity Award "The Most Caring Charity Model".

稿源:天津电视台 编辑:王铮
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